In a home office closet, functionality often trumps style. Choose a spot that works with your work style and helps you be productive and effective. That might be a nook under the stairs or a bedroom closet. Get the approximate measurements of your must-have tools and supplies and double check to make sure they’ll fit in the space. Cut out paper templates or mark their outer edges in pencil so you have a solid idea of how everything will and won’t fit. The nice clean wall on one side, decorated with a painting, keeps it from looking cluttered.

how to turn a closet into an office

Closets aren’t known for being bright, naturally lit, or sun-drenched. With the power outlets in place, you’ll need to go about lighting it. Sure, it would be great to have anything and everything you want in your home office. After all, there’s nothing wrong with having a beautifully furnished office. There may be times, though, when you have to compromise.

Take off closet doors.

If you’re transforming a coat closet, your biggest limiting factor will be the depth of the closet. When selecting a desk, take into consideration the space requirements. If you have a lot of paperwork and legal documents, consider getting a lateral file cabinet. This can include a combination of overhead light, focused light (like a desk lamp), and, if possible, access to natural light through a window. Consider hanging a bulletin board against the back wall of your closet or magazine holders to store your files and notes.

how to turn a closet into an office

If the electrical wiring in your closet allows, install a chandelier or striking pendant overhead to give it a glam look and make it easier to look for your things. And while it’s certainly gratifying to have a closet space you love, it’s just as important for it to be functional. Many of the following ideas will maximize the storage space you have—in addition to upgrading its appearance—making it much easier to keep your things tidy.

Best Desk Setup Ideas for Your Home Office in 2023

And don’t forget to look up, since there’s plenty of room above that’s likely not being used. One of the first things to do before turning a closet into an office at home is to measure the space you have. That’s right — the closets in bedrooms, basements, or even hallways can double as offices.

how to turn a closet into an office

“From there, we lucked out and found the IKEA Kallax bookshelf was the perfect fit as a bench,” she adds. Wood elements like a floating shelf and a bench topper completed the project. No one wants to plug away in a dark corner, so do yourself a favor and converting closet to office consider adding some additional lighting. Make your home office desk ideas a focal point with a metallic trim. ‘Sleek and stylish, this smart closet office is built into hidden wardrobe space,’ explains Jennifer Ebert, digital editor, Homes & Gardens.